FACT is managed by two teams of lawyers, one in the United States and one in Europe.
We, in turn, work with local lawyers and other professionals worldwide to mobilize exactly the right amount of qualified support for FACT clients….no more and no less.
This structure means that FACT clients do not pay unnecessary overhead for legal services they do not need. Each FACT lawyer team leader has over 30 years of experience. We do not train inexperienced lawyers at our clients’ expense, unlike other law firms with larger in-house staffs.
The FACT team also provides and coordinates related business services, tailored to FACT clients’ needs and evolving along with their business operations and growth. Various business consultants and other service providers are used on each of our clients’ own fields.
FACT provides all such legal and business expertise through our global network of the highest quality local firms and specialists, with whom we have maintained continuous professional relationships for many years and, in some cases, for many decades.
Tom A. Lippo | Washington, DC, USA
US Mobile: +1-202-320-9699 E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Mr. Tom Lippo is an American attorney, who has served as legal counsel to American and international businesses for over 30 years. He has established numerous subsidiaries for European and U.S. companies, and has structured countless creative cross-border transactions and business relationships, frequently involving clients from multiple nations simultaneously.
His extensive experience in product liability prevention and pre-emptive legal work to reduce lawsuit risks includes serving as external global counsel to the Nokia companies for over 15 years, where he was exclusively responsible for developing and implementing Nokia Mobile Phones’ liability avoidance strategy.
Mr. Lippo has lived and worked both in the United States and Europe, and he travels frequently worldwide to lecture about product safety and liability issues in telecommunications, alternative energy and various other hi-tech industries.
He holds a law degree from Stanford (J.D., 1982), a graduate degree from the University of Jyväskylä, Finland (M.A. summa cum laude, 1979) and an undergraduate degree from Yale (B.A. summa cum laude with distinction, 1978). He is a Fulbright Scholar, a recipient of the Rotary Foundation International Education Award and was selected to Phi Beta Kappa.
Urho Ilmonen | Helsinki, Finland
Finland Mobile: +358-400-408511 E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Mr. Urho Ilmonen is an experienced Finnish attorney at law, graduated from the Helsinki university law school in 1980, and joined immediately the leading law firm in Finland, Roschier. At Roschier, he provided leading clients with corporate, business and commercial legal services. Such services included among others , the largest export contract at its time, where an entire starch factory was contracted to be delivered to Germany. This contract was negotiated by Mr. Ilmonen in the German language, with the necessary documentation produced directly in German.
He joined Nokia Corporation in 1988, and founded the legal, IPR and Corporate Security services for the Mobile Phones business group, recruiting the staff and lawyers, and managing them in a multinational business environment. One of the main achievements at the time were the cross-license agreements entered into with Nokia's main competitors, and the inevitable IPR litigation cases that were filed against Nokia by the competition. During his time the legal and IPR services grew to their present international standards. Their goal was constantly to maximize the freedom of action of the business. Another main area of responsibility for Mr. Ilmonen at the time was to design and manage Nokia's anti-product liability program, which for many years successfully kept Nokia out of this area of claims.
After Nokia Mr. Ilmonen moved on to the leading trademark IPR firm in Finland, Benjon Ltd, where he held the position of Director, business development, designing the new operational mode of the firm, and contributing to making it much more profitable. In May 2009 Ilmonen joined the FACT Law group where he is now the senior partner.
As an experienced, international person with the necessary language skills (fluent in English, German, French and Swedish and basic Spanish), Mr. Ilmonen serves the business in all corporate law, IPR, copyright and corporate security issues, both directly and through his considerable network. Mr. Ilmonen is also well connected via the leading IPR, Information security and legal associations globally.